Woods College of Advancing Studies at Boston College – Master of Healthcare Administration (MHA)

Discover what makes the Woods College experience uniquely valuable for students seeking to advance their careers in the healthcare, pharmaceutical, and other health-related industries.

A Prestigious Boston College Education, Unique Online Program Benefits

At Woods College of Advancing Studies, students with a wide variety of backgrounds, knowledge, and experience access an esteemed Boston College education and advance their careers. Students engage in rigorous and sustained conversations about emerging issues. They also develop analytical and critical thinking skills that enable them to apply evidence-based management practices toward the goal of enacting social change and promoting the values at the heart of our discipline: equity, justice, and inclusion. Graduates of the program work across settings focused on health care systems, practices, and policies that address population health and social determinants to ensure expanded access and improve quality of care while decreasing cost.

The design of the Healthcare Administration graduate program and its pedagogy directly benefit from Boston College’s agility and intentionality as they respond to changing times. The design of the Healthcare Administration graduate program curriculum reflects Boston College’s commitment to helping prepare students to become engaged and moral world citizens. The Healthcare Administration graduate program continuously adapts the course content by incorporating current health-related crisis scenarios and contemporary challenges that the health industry faces in the fast-changing future.

The MHA is an online program with asynchronous activities in seven-week courses; students often take two courses per semester with a one week break in between. Designed to accommodate both professional and personal demands, the program allows students to complete the degree at their own pace in typically 1 to 2 years, but with the flexibility to extend longer.

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Online Master of Healthcare Administration Degree


The Woods College

Our Story and Mission

As the fourth-oldest school at Boston College, Woods College of Advancing Studies began offering undergraduate classes at alternative times—late afternoon or evening–in 1929, through what was then known as Boston College Intown, and later as the Evening College. Their mission then, as it is now, was to provide flexible, academically rigorous, ethics-focused education to a wide range of students.

Over time, Woods College increased their scope of offerings, and in 1996, the school’s name was changed from Evening College to the College of Advancing Studies to reflect our expanded academic program offerings, which by then included both bachelor’s and master’s degrees.

Donating a generous gift in honor of long-time dean Fr. James A. Woods, S.J.’s service to Boston College students, and to the greater society, Katharine B. and Robert M. Devlin ensured his contributions would be remembered, and the name of the school changed again.

Woods College of Advancing Studies at Boston College has a vision to provide students from a wide range of backgrounds access to an esteemed Boston College education with the support of a flexible, innovative community. Mentorship throughout the program, including access to faculty and program leadership, helps students align their education with their career outcomes. Master of Healthcare Administration students discern their passions, advance their careers, and benefit from access to a network of over 180,000 Boston College Alumni.